I find painting the perfect antidote to the stresses and pressures of day-to-day life. When people see my work for the first time they often comment on the light and the colour but especially the calmness that it captures.

My work is very much influenced by where I live. I paint contemporary, semi-abstract, rural landscapes in acrylic and mixed media or oils, inspired by the view from my studio which looks out over Beacon Fell, Parlick and the Ribble Valley. In many ways the valley is like an old friend. I feel that, after twenty years, I know her like the back of my hand but she retains the capacity to surprise or to show me a new side of her.

I love the everchanging nature of the view, the light and shadows on the hillside as the clouds pass over or just the colour of the landscape as it alters with the different seasons. No matter the time of year, the weather or my mood, it never fails to raise my spirits and it delights me when that connection is made by others and that joy is translated to the viewer.

I am not striving to achieve exactness in my work, rather I seek to portray the expansiveness of the valley and the ever-changing nature of the sky – one thing you can always rely on in Lancashire!

The result is an image that is my response to the landscape –not exact but authentic.

Please feel free to browse my latest paintings. All paintings that are currently for sale are originals.

Why Not Take a look at my latest paintings